Reality bites – 2 months in

It’s been just over two months since I left the comfort of a stable job to go freelance and already it feels like a lifetime ago. For those of you who are keeping up to date with my progress or who have expressed an interest in my freelance shenanigans, here’s what I’ve learnt since making the move.

  • It’s true, it’s not easy! – Before I decided to pursue my freelance dream, I mulled the idea over for a good 12 months or so, devouring everything and anything I could find on the subject. Time and time again the message from those in the know, was that the freelance life is not an easy option and two months down the line, I have to agree with them. Being a start up freelancer is tough and not for the faint hearted.
  • Support matters – Without the encouragement from those close to me, the last two months would have been very difficult indeed. My husband has been my rock, his support unwavering from the start and my family and close friends have been fantastic. I’ve also received kind words of encouragement from the most unlikely of people. To everyone who’s spurred me on, THANK YOU! – you know who you are.
  • I’m glad I stashed some cash – For years I’ve been squirrelling away the pennies for a rainy day and boy, am I happy I did! Jobs don’t appear overnight and neither does the cash so having some money to fall back on and help me pay my bills has been critical to my freelance survival. If you want to be a freelancer, start saving now.
  • There IS work to be found – If I had a pound for the amount of times people have told me that there is no work out there for freelancers like me, I’d be able to buy an incredibly nice pair of shoes or two. There’s no doubt that times are tough and money is tight at the moment but yet still, I am managing to find some exciting work opportunities. There is ALWAYS opportunity, you just have to make the effort to unearth it.
  • Determining your worth is tricky – One of my biggest struggles to date is figuring out what to charge people for my services. On the web I found some really useful recommendations on what to charge for work, but it’s still a tricky business! Finding the right balance isn’t easy…I don’t want to charge too much for my work but at the same time I need to eat and put a roof over my head. I also don’t want to undervalue my skills and experience.  It’s been an interesting challenge for sure and a great way of making me think about what I’m worth, in more ways than one!

P.S For those of you wondering what the photograph is all about… I used to be known as Katie Beaver before I got married!

One thought on “Reality bites – 2 months in

  1. Congrats on two months of freedom Katie. Sounds like the lessons are coming hard and fast. Two of the biggies that you mentioned that were the same for me were stashing cash and having support. I had my wife supporting me, and without the constant encouragement, I probably would have given up in the early days. As for cash, I started without any – a bad idea. Glad to hear you took the smarter route there.

    Keep kicking ass!

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